Observer Apex - The first performance monitoring solution to generate an
end-user experience (EUE) score on every transaction. Apex offers adaptability and visibility via multiple data sources: packets, metadata, and enriched flow. Organizations select those that fit their budgets, operational demands, and business needs.
Observer GigaFlow - Integrates network, infrastructure, and user data into a single enriched flow record captured and retained over time. It provides in-depth details on network device types, connectivity, traffic control, and usage patterns in a single view down to the individual user/host level.
Observer GigaStor - GigaStor serves as the source of packet insights while also storing them for back-in-time analysis. Navigate to the exact moment of the service anomaly to see detailed, packet-level views before, during, and after the occurrence.
Observer Sentry - Provides software-as-a-service-based
Threat Exposure Management, giving SecOps, DevOps, and Cloud Architects the much-needed threat visibility into ever-changing AWS environments. By discovering and combining internal attack paths with focused external attack surface scanning, Observer Sentry identifies security exposures, analyzes the business impact, and helps prioritize remediation activities.