Study Highlights:
The hamster wheel of network application troubleshooting
Despite 15 years, and billions of dollars of investment, IT network managers are far from understanding the source of the issues that plague their network, according to the State of the Network 2023.
Failing to communicate
VoIP and other real-time services remain a big headache for IT teams
Cloud & off premise modernization is the answer and the problem
Of the top five visibility challenges called out, four are tied to cloud or off-premises assets. Despite this it’s full speed ahead for cloud deployments
It’s expensive, but it is worth it
Eighty % of network managers report that savings from cloud modernization exceeded predictions and 83% state that the benefits outweighed the cost.
The user experience is the only thing that matters
When asked which was the most important of their monitoring objectives, respondents called out end-user experience most often. Seven in ten stated it was “very important,” beating out other options, including active monitoring, packets, or flow data.
Do we need Moore’s Law of network growth?
The growth in the amount of data flowing in today’s networks is mind boggling with little sign that it is abating. No matter how big the network pipes get, users have an insatiable urge to keep “filling them”!
IT teams flying blind with TLS encryption
Cybersecurity vulnerabilities and application troubleshooting escalate with TLS rollout.